Sunday 4 May 2014

The Long Dark Breakfast Time of the Soul

Saturday night was a bad one for Rhys. He was sick a number of times and the nurse needed to aspirate him through the NG tube.
The tube has been a source of real annoyance to him recently because it irritates his nose and throat. Unfortunately there is nothing the nurses can do as he needs to have the tube in so that some of the gunk that's building up in his stomach can be removed. Without the tube he'd be vomiting a lot more than he is.
The only alternative that has been suggested is replacing the current tube with a softer, narrower one but that has the drawback that it might not be possible to aspirate properly.
Hopefully thought we are reaching a turning point with the tube because the fluid that the nurses are started to extract this morning looks a lot clearer and normal that the rather fetching green colour that they have been getting.

7:30am Sunday morning and we'd been up for nearly two and a half hours, Rhys was managing to doze something he manages with little problem. We were waiting for the doctors to come and see Rhys and then I'd be able to go and get a change of clothes, some breakfast and then come back into hospital with an overnight bag because Rhys wanted me to stay in. Hopefully he wouldn't have a night like the one just gone past.

Its no secret that as a family we are Christians and attend St James Church in Yeovil. Rhys has grown up at St James and developed his faith through there and also through the youth group at St Johns. Through everything that he's been through yesterday morning was the first time that I'd heard him actually questioning what is happening to him and asking why God allows this to happen to him. He wants answers to his questions, as do we all. Nobody we've spoken with can understand why Rhys has had to deal with his neurofibromatosis, the leukaemia and now this tumour. I know that Rhys' faith will not come out of this unscathed. Whether it will be strengthened or weaken it is still open for debate.

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