Tuesday 29 April 2014

Day 3 in and first full day in ICU

Rhys had a restful night and is drifting in and out of sleep today.
He is aware of everything that is going on, so much so that he has already vetoed the location for a line that the doctors need to put in if they can't get it into the other locations that they will try (just had the nurse looking after him pop in as I type this to let me know that it went fine and that they will be moving his bed from the room he's in to the main ward area). This line will allow them to feed him a substance called TPN which he had when he underwent his bone marrow transplant. TPN is a substance that will provide him with nutrition while allowing his body to recover from all the poking and prodding that it underwent during surgery.
He still has a way to go, his blood pressure needs to be brought up and his heartrate down (at the moment its at the level for someone doing physical exercise but they want it to be more at a resting level. All of this is a careful balancing act. As you adjust one thing to get it sorted something else changes.
He is either so used to all of the things that they are doing that he doesn't need them to explain them more than once or he is do fed up that he just doesn't want to know any more. Will ask when he's feeling up to chatting more.
One thing that we know is that, if not while on ICU then when on a normal ward, he will be able to access the Internet and Facebook so stay tuned for him getting in touch soon.

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