Thursday 24 April 2014

Where the Streets are made of Shops

Wednesday saw an impromptu trip to Clarks Village in Street to try and see off the Welsh hordes that had descended on the town.

Well, when I say hordes I mean a bus load of them.

More specifically we'd popped over from Yeovil to surprise Nanny and Grampy who had come down from their home in Merthyr Tydfil on a coach trip. As much as they wanted to see Rhys we didn't let them know that we'd be coming over, although Nanny did think that we'd come over if we could.

As much as it would have been nice to spend the whole afternoon with them, a last minute visit to the school to discuss Rhys' GCSEs in the light of the up-coming tests and surgery, meant that we managed to get to Street just after half past three.

Rhys sent a text to Nanny asking where she was and while waiting for a reply we started to wander through Clarks Village hoping to bump into them.

Its amazing just how many people look like Grampy. Within the first couple of minutes we spotted about half a dozen people who, from a distance, we thought were Grampy but weren't.

Finally as we were making our way through the newer part of the Village we spotted two figure walking towards us. It was Nanny and Grampy.

We had no chance to surprise them as Grampy spotted Rhys and pointed him out to Nanny.

Wandering around Clarks Village for the next half an hour we chatted while also slowly making our way back to where their coach was waiting. It was lovely to see them both, and it was great for them to see Rhys and reassure themselves that he looked well.

All too soon though it was time for them to board their coach and with 5 minutes to go before the time they were due to leave, and with everyone on the coach, the driver closed the bus door, reversed out of the parking space and headed off back to Wales. We waved to each other as they left but will see them before too long, just as soon as Rhys has had his surgery, because they are going to come visit him in hospital.

Our own trip back home didn't take too long.

Chicken Enchiladas for dinner followed by the first episode of Season 5 of Warehouse 13 and the latest episode of Elementary rounded off a tiring day.

The Easter holidays have now finished and its time to head back to school and the last few weeks of learning before the GCSEs examinations start and Rhys' time at school draws to an end and a new chapter starts in September at college.

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