Wednesday 11 June 2014

And the future unveils itself

Today Rhys had an appointment at Yeovil hospital with Steve the consultant from Bristol that has been dealing with him and his tumours. As a result we have a clear idea of what the immediate future holds.

As the lump on his head is a meningioma there isn't an urgency to deal with it. In fact the plan for treating that is to leave it alone and just monitor it. No surgery and no radiotherapy at the moment unless further scans show that it has grown. If that is the case then it will require radiotherapy rather than surgery as the latter would require the removal of a sizeable chunk of his forehead during the operation (probably for the best really as I'm sure the temptation to ask if they could replace it with something transparent so we can make sure that his brain is still there and working at times would  be far too much to resist).

The other lumps that they found inside his cheeks, the different scans he had showed things on different sides of the face and not on the same side, will also be monitored but aren't worrying anyone at the moment.

Which leaves us with the radiotherapy on his abdomen. Once he's had a kidney scan to check which of his kidneys is the best to not nuke during treatment Rhys will be beginning his 6 weeks of radiotherapy in Bristol. With luck everything, apart from the monitoring, will be done and dusted by the August so that he has a few weeks to recuperate before beginning college.

We chatted about a few other things but the most important of these is that Rhys was given the all clear to go ten pin bowling, although they didn't say that he'd be able to play brilliantly but you can't have everything!

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