Monday 2 June 2014

And the results are in

Yesterday we received a call from Father Christmas to tell us that the results of the biopsy were back. Why Father Christmas? Well the news was the best present we could have.

The biopsy showed that the lump on his head is a meningioma as we'd been told at first and not something worse which is what the doctors were worried it night be.

This means that we are back on track with the treatment as the radiotherapy can now go ahead. Treatment of the lump will still be needed but that can happen after the remains of the tumour in his abdomen have been dealt with. So we are looking forward to another trip to Bristol for some more scans and then Rhys can have the radiotherapy.

Once the radiotherapy is over then Rhys will have to have the lump removed and possibly some radiotherapy on his head but that it weeks away at the moment.

A little voice has just called out from their room to tell me to let you know that he's had to pop into hospital this week for some more tests to try and figure out why he's having some pains. This is something he's had for a couple of weeks now but yesterday morning also resulted in stomach pain that resulted in his sleeping on the couch from 4:30am to 8:30am because he wasn't able to sleep lying flat in bed.
The same little voice has also pointed out that he's ticked off another meal from his list. He had his chicken tikka masala yesterday evening.

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