Thursday 12 June 2014


Apparently Rhys was supposed to be in Bristol today having his kidney scan, or so the phone call this afternoon to ask us why we'd not turned up for the appointment told us.
Nothing was on the calender, nothing in diaries and no letter pinned to the noticeboard in the kitchen.

We couldn't think why we'd not heard about this appointment. Then the light went on.

While Rhys was in hospital recovering from his tumour operation and we were waiting for the results of the tests on the tumour to see if they'd got everything we had received a phone call asking us to go and see the radiotherapy consultant. We'd been puzzled by that as we'd not been told that the results had come back. At the same time we received a letter notifying us that Rhys had an appointment for a renal scan.

The letter was taken up to Bristol and we asked the nurses if they could find out why he had the appointment. We never heard any more and never saw the letter again either.

It would appear that once again the NHS was being super efficient as the letter must have been the appointment for Rhys' kidney scan which the doctors had figured out he'd need before radiotherapy could begin. This must have all been sorted out before we'd been told that he'd need radiotherapy. Not knowing what was happening at the time we dismissed the appointment as someone getting dates wrong for one of the numerous scans that he was having at the time. We know better know!

Still its not a total disaster as we have a new appointment next week and hopefully this can be combined with some of the other activities that will be needed as part of the planning for his treatment.

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